Natural Remedy For Fibroid, Ovarian cyst and Infertility


This is a funny world. People lie so you can buy the trash they sell but we don't need that at all. The real life testimonials shared below will make you trust this natural therapy and demand its being ship to your doorstep.

This therapy get rids of fibroid, ovarian cyst and correct all fertility challenges in a safe and natural way within the shortest possible time and also makes the reproductive organ  function the way it should.

This Natural Solutions Has Helped Many Women Without The Need For Expensive Surgery.

Here is a story line of one of our patient that had her problem solved through our therapy.
It all started when she began to notice the following:
1.Heavy bleeding between and during her periods.
2.Pain in the pelvis and lower back.
3.Increased urination.
4.Pain during intercourse.
5.Menstruation lasting longer than usual.
6. Swelling and enlargement of the abdomen.

Her Husband took cognizance of this and advised her to go do check up.
Because of her busy schedules, she never realized what has gone wrong in her body system. She is so concerned about other things than her health.
At last, she visited the hospital.
After several minutes of interaction with the doctor,based on her family history, symptoms and abdominal scan result present to him which showed a big mass, with other factors considered according to WHO standards, the Doctor confirmed to her that this is a clear picture of no other thing but Fibroid.
But there is no cause for alarm, the doctor said, because it can be removed through surgical operation.
She asked, 'Are there no drugs that can CURE it once and for all?
Doctor replied with a "NO" .
Doctor further explained that "Fibroid" are abnormal, non-cancerous growth that develop in or on a woman's uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In some other cases, there may be no sign or symptom at all. The growth are typically benign or non-cancerous. Fibroid are also known by the following names: leiomyomas, myomas, uterine myomas, fibromas.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), up to 80 percent of women have fibroid by the age of 50.
Women  with the following risk factors are at greater risk of developing fibroid: Pregnancy, Family history of fibroid, Age of 30 or older, African-American, High body weight. In most cases, the cause of fibroid is unknown but most time it can be trace to lifestyles most women now adopt nowadays. 
Such lifestyles cannot be compared with the Natural Lifestyles of the people of old. There are now so many things bringing in a lot of Estrogen into the body systems, such as plastics, pesticides and even the foods and the processes under which we breed animals for consumption.  So they store those hormones that we are imbibing that is causing some of these problems.

      Although all uterine fibroid are the same, but they are categorized based on their location according to the picture below.

Submucosal fibroid; are located just under the uterine lining.

Intramural fibroid; lie between the muscles of the uterine wall.

Cervical fibroid; these are located in the neck of the womb (the cervix).

Subserosal fibroid; extend from the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity.
But the good news is that after she came in contact with our therapy and took it for a month, her fibroid disappeared and she was completely free.

          But Can I Ask You These Questions? 

  • Is it possible for you to 'never' have fibroid, ovarian cyst or any other fertility challenges again?
  • Is it possible for you to never have to go through surgery?
  • Can you think of how enjoyable your life would have been without fibroid, ovarian cyst and other fertility challenges?
  • Imagine you won't have fibroid re-growing again in your body?
  • Won't you be just too happy that you can now be fibroid free and be hale and healthy?
  • Won't you be happy that you will no longer experience constant body pains, weakness, heavy bleeding when having your periods and being unable to do several things?

A friend of mine Alice Wanjiru from Nairobi, Kenya shared her experience with me also.

She carried out a surgical operation and got her fibroid removed without the removal of the uterus but unfortunately for her, after the first surgery, the fibroid re-grow again later. She had to go for a second surgery.

After the second surgery, she breathed a sigh of relief...

When she went to see her doctor almost 24 months after the second surgery to check if she is pregnant, she was told, that the fibroid growth had re-surfaced a 3rd time.

She was frustrated, angry, and so disappointed that she promised herself NEVER to go for a 3rd surgery.

She said to herself..."Will I continue to spend hundreds of thousands nearly every year for surgery?"

She promised to find a natural solution to her fibroid and inferti lity problems, and that was exactly what she did, when she picked our Fibroid Removal Pack and got her fibroid eliminated within few days. 

Right now, I don’t want what happened to Alice to happen to you my dear fibroid patient before you eliminate that stubborn fibroid out of your body system.

Mistakes Should Never Be Repeated Twice…

I understand that you have spent a great deal of money on different medications that you have been using and despite all of that, you still get to have those protruding stomachs and frequent gush of bleeding that occurs at abnormal times of the day.

At times, you feel so worried that you think this illness may shorten your own lifespan...Trust Me, I Understand!

I want you not to feel disappointed or discouraged because, you are not alone in this. In fact, Fibroid are the most frequently seen tumors of the female reproductive system. It is estimated that between 20 to 50 percent of women of reproductive age have Fibroid. Some estimates state that up to 30 to 77 percent of women will develop Fibroid sometime during their childbearing years.

Fibroid is becoming rampart due to our modern lifestyle and according to medical report, 5 in 6 women in Africa have Fibroid between the age of 30-50 years

And more so, some ladies below 30 years of age who are single and have no children are getting to develop this tumors in their body already.

 In most cases, surgery is always recommended but experience has shown that most times the fibroid tissue begins to grow back like the case of my friend Alice.

One of the major causes of Fibroid growth in the uterus beside hereditary factor, is the influence of estrogen in the female reproductive system. High level of production of estrogen hormones in the female body results in the growth of the fibroid tissue.

Since surgery focuses on the removal of the tumor i.e. the disease, there is a likelihood of it growing back as the root of the problem (excess production of Estrogen) has not been handled.

Cutting out fibroid from the system is never the solution to the problem because few months after the surgery, experience has shown that these operated patients grow them all back.

The most efficient way would be to attack the root cause of the problem and nip it in the bud.

From past experience, I will advise women to consider surgery as the last option especially when you are still expecting a child. This is even beside the fact that the surgery procedure is expensive.

Are you ready to give up your womb in the process of surgery especially if you are still at childbearing stage? 

Then you need to consider this natural therapy that I finally discovered and shared in this write-up.

More wonderful results/testimonies without going through surgery

Take a look at the testimonials of people who once had Fibroid and used the Natural Supplement I'm about to introduce to you and has naturally eliminated their fibroid without surgery.

"I Wore Diapers Everywhere Because I Was Bleeding Twice Every Month..."

"My name is Onyekachi Charity Anyachor.

Before I came in contact with this products, I had been diagnosed with fibroids/ovarian cyst on 15th of February 2010.

It was a terrible experience for me because I had to visit hospital twice a week for treatment. I went through several tests and also minor operation procedures.

The doctor even took some tissues from my womb lining for more tests.

I was bleeding twice monthly with severe pains and I had to wear diapers everywhere. Whenever I was bleeding I usually experience paralysis from my waist to my legs.

I had bled for a month non-stop before.

As time went on, I was scheduled for a major surgery on 19th of May 2011.

I could no longer wear white which is my best colour because of my excessive bleeding, I started wearing dark colour. This went on for 2 years till I met a friend who recommended these products to me.

Lo and behold! I started having a normal pain-free periods after taking the health supplements which eventually helped me to push out the fibroids.

I have gone for several tests and scan since then and the Doctors could not find the fibroid and the ovarian cyst.

I have been touched by this amazing products".

-Onyekachi Charity Anyachor

Here is yet another:

Client Testimonial:
"The fibroid had decreased in size to 2.1cm. I had consulted my doctor and cancelled the surgery... I managed to completely eliminate the fibroid along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me"

"Four months ago, I was scheduled for an operation to remove a fairly large fibroid (approx. 7 cm), which had caused me a great deal of pelvic pain and pressure on my bladder. The doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife and I had reluctantly agreed.
It was approx. 2 months prior to the surgery when somebody referred my husband to your website. With the help of my loving husband, I started the Fibroids remover program and 4 weeks later I was scheduled for an ultrasound check: it was shocking. The fibroid had decreased in size to 2.1cm and now am completely free of the terrible pain.
Thanks for your guidance.

 You too can join these groups of women that have discovered natural means of eliminating fibroid from us.

Note- These products can't be found in any store and it is far different from any other ones you might see elsewhere on the internet. THIS IS ALLIANCE FIBROID REMOVAL PACK. The others you might have seen for a cheaper price might be the same but the quality isn’t the same. THIS PARTICULAR ONE IS FROM UNITED STATE OF AMERICA (USA). DO NOT COMPARE THIS WITH THE FAKE ONES OUT THERE. THIS PRODUCT IS DIRECTLY FROM THE COMPANY THAT PRODUCES IT. Some of these products are Fake and are being sold at cheaper price. Do yourself good today. Do not be deceived by cheaper price.

I believe you can see, these are regular people, just like me and you, who decided they wanted a fibroid free life, took the plunge, and got their fibroid removed using our fibroid removal pack. There are so many testimonies I would have posted here but I won’t due to space.
Now, I know you can’t wait to lay your hands on this GUARANTEED solutions…
It’s up to you. You can grab it today or risk never getting this amazing solution forever. Never leave this page without placing your order.​

It's time you stop poisoning yourself! 
It's time to kick Fibroid out of your life!

Finally, Here is the Well-Proven, Well-Research, Nature-Friendly Fibroid Removal Therapy.

         THE 3 VITAL Fibroid Removal Pack HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS
C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals 
This is a breakthrough product from Nature's Way USA. It is a combination of about 141 organically grown plant-based nutrients with other powerful herbs and selected ingredients, to  create one of the finest supplements of its kind. It contains 22,000 plant nutrients altogether. It happens to be packed with all the vitamins and minerals that support a healthy  living such as antioxidants, vitamin A-E, iron, zinc magnesium, selenium, rutin just to name a few.
C24/7 focus is to target the cells behind the growth of fibroid. It functions for Cellular Protection, Cellular Immunity, Cellular Energizer, Cellular Enhancement, Cellular Longevity, Cellular Nourishment, Cardio Protection and Cancer Prevention. C 24/7 promotes longevity, enhances and balances body metabolism, Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system, rejuvenates the skin, promotes healthy blood circulation, detoxifies the body and enhances s/exual Vitality.
 It has been noted that fibroid and ovarian cyst cells dissolve when C24/7 supplementation is regular. It is good for detoxification or internal cleansing which can also help people with skin disorders, arthritis, asthma, bowel disfunction, cramps, colon cleansing, candida, diabetes, digestive disorder, herpes, headaches, heartburn, hypertension, hemorrhoids, insomnia, indigestion, overweight, rashes, shingles, stomach disorder, tiredness, tension, throat infection and ulcers.
These positive effects are thought to be due to the presence of compounds such as lectins, mannans and anthraquinones and many body friendly compounds.

This is a premium source of Fish oil,and contains essential Fatty Acids,DHA,EPA and Vitamin E. It is Molecularly distilled,PCB and Mercury free. It also does not have chemical solvents, sugars, starch, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. It lowers the risk of coronary heart disease and its complications, greatly reduces bad cholesterol and supports healthy eye and brain function. It enhances the liver's ability to process calories more effectively, boosts metabolic rate. 


It is a powerful product from Nature's Way. It has over 16,000 Phytonutrients and a very high ORAC value. It is 100% Excipient Free. It also utilizes Nanotechnology so it is faster absorbed by the body on a cellular level. It corrects all gynaecology errors.

These three products combination will root out fibroid and ovarian cyst from your body system forever

Below is the video testimony of a woman who took these products and got her fibroid disappeared within few weeks

100% safe, no side effect… and give lasting result.

Remember that the greatest asset you have is  good health which is better than any amount of money in your bank account..... So....ACT NOW…and start enjoying the rest of your life in good health!

Is This Approved And Legal To Use? Absolutely, Aside from the fact that this is approved by NAFDAC and KEBS itself, it also has other prestigious Kosher and Halal Seal which are the highest forms of approval in the world any product can have.
Special offer
For ordering Fibroid Removal Pack Today, You will get this product(Alkaline Mychoco) for free
Health Benefits of Alkaline Mychoco 
·        Lowers cholesterol level
·        Protects against heart disease and complications
·        Helps prevent cancer of any origin
·        Controls high-blood pressure
·        Prevents degenerative diseases such as Arthritis and Rheumatism
·        Reduces the risk of developing Type II Diabetes
·        Prevents Parkinson’s Disease
·        Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the Immune System
·        Detoxifies the Body
·        Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcohol intake
·        Enhances s/exual vitality
·        Rejuvenates the skin
·        Improves performance and endurance during exercise
·        Enhances concentration
·        Reduces fatigue
·        Heightens alertness
·        Increases sperm motility
·        Relieves headache
·        Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration.

How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?
Fibroid Removal Pack Comes in two Bundles; THE MINI KIT and THE MEGA KIT

This Price Is Open For The Next 7 Days Only before the price goes back up.

Simply Place your order today following the payment instruction below:

THE MINI KIT - 1 Month Plan
                  1 Box of C24/7 
               1 Box of Complete Phytoenergizer
               1 Box of Choleduz
               1 Box of Mychoco
 Discounted Price: 

N35,550/ KES18,050

After 7 days this price returns to the original price of N45,550/ KES 25,050 for any one who wants to pay then.

THE MEGA KIT - 2 Month Plan
[Highly Recommended]
             2 Boxes of C24/7 
             2 Boxes of Complete Phytoenergizer
             2 Boxes of Choleduz
             2 Boxes of Mychoco
 Discounted Price: 

N68,050/ KES34,050

After 7 days this price returns to the original price of N71,100/KES 36,100 for anyone who wants to pay then.
That is what Alliance Fibroid Removal Kit Will Only Cost You

For Just 

N35,550/ KES18,050

 only - The Mini Kit
 Note That This Offer Is Open For The Next 7 days
After, Anyone interested WILL have to pay up to N45,550/ KES 25,050

I am giving you a chance to get it at the low price of N35,550/KES18,050 and N68,050/KES 34,050 for either The Mini Kit or The Mega kit Respectively for the next seven days only.

After Which the price will go up to its normal retail price of N45,550/KES25,050 and N71,100/KES36,100...
We suggest you order your pack today because the above price and free product may not be available tomorrow

1. It detoxify the body reducing the acidity of the body and making it more alkaline. The process of detoxification clears the tissues responsible for the fibroid growth and prevent further growth of new tissues.
2. After detoxification of the body, it will boost the body immune system making it difficult for future growth of fibroid tissues. The body develops immunity against the fibroid tissues.
3. With an improved body immunity these products will then nourish and promote healthy blood circulation effectively. This would result in the reduction of excess estrogens that enhances the growth of fibroid tissue, thus balancing the body metabolism.
4. With an improve body metabolism the fertility of the woman is rejuvenated and boosted. Ensuring s exual vitality and complete elimination of the fibroid tissues.
5. Finally these products will ensure cellular energizer and protection against bacterial, fungal and viral infections and eliminates any growth of fibroid tissue that may reoccur.
Hear from Another Satisfied Customer, Adesola, even before she completed Our Fibroid Care Program...

"I'm happy to let you know that the last scan I went for showed that the fibroids had shrunk by about 70%. "....Adesola

"I was about to go for surgery with the advice of my doctor due to 3 fairly large and painful fibroids that I was suffering from for more than 6 months. I just wish I had found this natural solution sooner. It would have saved me a lot of fear and sleepless nights. The  products were very helpful as well as the diet tips/plans.
I'm happy to let you know that the last scan I went for showed that the fibroids had shrunk by about 70%.
My periods are much consistent now, and I hardly experience any pain. I really thank God for this. Thank you so much for your support and guidance.

If you are still willing to have Babies, rest assure that you will welcome your new Baby within 11 and 13 months after finishing your therapy using our package

You can't go wrong with this incredible Solution

I'm absolutely sure that our Fibroid Removal Pack will help you deal with your Fibroid, Ovarian cyst and Fertility challenge within a short period of time. Moreso, there is a 30-days money back guaranteed.

If for whatever reason(s) our Fibroid Removal Pack does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us a message within 30 days from your purchase!  Just give it a try!


Call this number +2348101181709  



  • 1    Item Name: (Fibroid Removal Pack)
  • 2    Your Full Name
  • 3    Your Phone Number (Provide 2 numbers if available)
  • 4    Full Address (Home or Office, we deliver to anywhere you want)
  • 5     Date You want it Delivered


                I look forward to hear Our Fibroid Removal Pack Success story from you.
Sincerely Yours 
For Free Whatsapp Consultation Click Here 
It is better to ask question than to remain ignorant. Therefore, do you have any question(s) to ask or an enquiry to make? If yes, get in touch with us through any of the above routes 
The above therapy is a combination of natural supplements  made from fruits and herbs. The entire content of this site are based upon the researches and opinion of a team of natural researchers