Natural Remedy For Diabetes


This is a funny world. People lie so you can buy the trash they sell but we don't need that at all. The real life testimonials shared below will make you trust this natural therapy and demand its being ship to your doorstep.

This therapy normalizes blood sugar and also makes the pancreas function the way it should. It brings an en d to the use of pills, drugs and insu lins injection.

Here is a story line of one of our diabetes patient that had her problem solved through our therapy.

It all started when she began to notice the following:

1.She visits the toilet to wee about 4-6 times between 11pm and 5am.

2.She experiences constant body weakness and pains.

3.She started losing weight.

4.She noticed her heart beats in an unusual manner and always thirsty.

Her Husband took cognizance of this and advised her to go do check up.

Because of her busy schedules, she never realized what has gone wrong in her body system. She is so concerned about other things than her health.

At last, she visited the hospital.

After several minutes of interaction with the doctor,based on her family history, symptoms and laboratory result present to him which showed that her fasting blood glucose level is elevated, her 2 hours postprandial result is also out of range and her urine glucose result is also positive.

With other factors considered according to WHO standards, the doctor confirmed to her that this is a clear picture of no other thing but Type 2 diabetes.

But there is no cause for alarm, the doctor said, because there are drugs and injections that will help you MANAGE it effectively.

She asked, 'Are there no drugs that can CURE it once and for all?

Doctor replied with a "NO" .
She asked, 'Does it mean this condition is INCURABLE? 
Doctor said, "YES" but it is "MANAGEABLE".
Doctor further explained that "Diabetes" is a metabolic disorder that happens when your body cannot produce enough insu!in to help with your glucose movement into the body cells where it is needed.
You will initially have to be placed on artificial insu lin injection now and then compliment that with drugs that you must regularly take.
Beyond that, there are certain things you can't eat again as before.
After taking this natural therapy for a month, she got her diabetes rever sed and comple tely free.

But Can I Ask You These Questions? 
  • Is it possible for you 'never' to be 'diabetic' again?
  • Is it possible for you to never have to prick yourself again for glucose test or insulin injection?
  • Can you think of how enjoyable your life would have been without high blood sugar, high blood pressure, eye sight problem, weak erection, frequent urination, unhealed wounds, heart attacks which can lead to stroke?
  • Imagine you won't use diabetes medicine and insu!in injection again?
  • Won't you be just too happy that you can now eat whatever foods you desire to eat and still be hale and healthy?
  • Won't you be happy that you will no longer experience constant body pains, weakness and being unable to do several things? 

Mercy Amazing Testimony of This Therapy
I am Mercy Eze and I have a family history of being diabetic.
My story, experience, ordeal, trials, errors and eventual total freedom from diabetes have inspired and helped me and over 2532 Men and Women reverse their Type 2 diabetes.
I am a student and I was diagnosed of diabetes when I was 22 years old. 
At that time I had no idea that I would one day discover a natural therapy that can help me reverse my diabetes and be completely free.
​I will never forget the day I walked into the doctor's office with high hope that I would be given a tablet to reverse my type 2 diabetic condition that would somehow ‘cure’ me but my hope was shattered.
Doctor told me that I would have to manage my diabetes for the remaining days of my life.
Day in, day out my condition keep deg3nerating and moved from bad to worse.
 He said "the root cause of diabetes is inflammation and malfunctioning of an organ called THE PANCREAS" an organ that is meant to produce enough insu!in in our body system that helps convert the glucose in our blood streams into convertible energy that should be used for the full functioning of the body.
But when there is low production of insulin in our body...
Every other thing in the body is affected because the glucose level in the blood becomes elevated and cannot be transported appropriately to where it is needed for energy g3neration and cellular function within the body, which leads to high blood sugar and diabetes.
My doctor told me that there was nothing I could do to cure my diabetes and hence I will have to live with it for the rest of my life. He gave me some pills with injection but that, it will only manage it and NOT CURE it. 
I returned home sad and told my friends of my ordeal and they encouraged and comforted me telling me  NOT TO GIVE UP yet.
Finally, I found a Solution...............................…
In 2016, I attended a conference in Lagos, Nigeria. One of the guest speaker who was once diabetic, shared with us how worsened his health was, before he got connected with some natural products produced by Nature's way, USA, a company that produces natural and herbal supplements in USA. I met him after his session and through his help I was able to get some of these products. To my amazement, two weeks after using these products, my glucose level that was elevated to 28mmol went down as low as 9mmol. I shouted for joy because I couldn't believed the products could work that fast. I ordered for more products and few weeks later my glucose level became normalized.
My type 2 diabetes was rever sed completely and cured permanen tly 
Before my experience I never thought it was possible to reverse type 2 diabetes without having to spend much but with the little I have, it was revers.ed so much that I was able to throw away all my diabetes pills and stopped taking insu!in injections in just few weeks.
My Dad, who himself is also diabetic couldn't believe, but when he saw how healthy I was, He quickly ordered for the products as well and he's complet ely healthy now.
So far, I have learned that the remedy I used and that has worked for so many others work on the following conditions: 
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis
  • High blood glucose level
  • High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels

More wonderful results/testimonies without using insu lin injections

Ten years ago, I was diagnosed of Type-2 Diabetes, I can't even recollect how much I have spent. I saw your advert two months ago and I decided to give it a trial. Before then I have been treating diabetes, going for medicals every month. A month after taking these products apart from the improvement I noticed within my body system. My Doctor also confirmed that my sugar level has become normali zed. I couldn't believe it, I had to go for another check-up the subsequent months and it was confirmed again that my sugar level has become normali zed just like the first test. Thank you for making this therapy available (Wambui from Nairobi KENYA )

I want to start by saying that you have giv en me my life back. I was diagnosed of Diabetes in September 1998. Though I have managed it well with medications, diet and exercise, my FBS fluctuated between 130mg-138mg. I bought Diabetes Therapy and the Men S/exual Performance Therapy from you in July 2017. I finished the 30 days usage by  August 18th. I couldn't believe what I saw. Well, to be double sure I went to my Doctor ​for a second opinion. The Test I did at the Clinic gave 95mg. My Doctor was surprised, My FBS has been 76mg. Thank you so much for the write up and for making this available to all. Honestly, the money paid is less than the value I derived. Thanks. (Mensah, Accra Ghana)

I am excited sending you this, I have had type 2 diabetes for 25 years. For me the worst part of this horrible disease is the severe pain I constantly get in my feet. The pain is so bad that I avoid standing and walking as much as possible. In the first week of using the pack, my feet sto pped hurting altogether and I can now walk totally pain free. My blood pressure is well within range. I feel great and just want to say thank you for the improvement you have made in the quality of my life. (Dongue, Douala Cameroon)

I am writing this note to attest to the efficacy of your Solution to Diabetes. When I purchased the diabetes therapy and the vision pack 8 months ago, I was a bit skeptical because all we have been told is that we have to live with diabetes forever. But I was surprised after few days of using the therapy, my blood sugar went down from 13mmol to 7.6mmol. For me that was a miracle. My eye problem also regained a remarkable improvement. By the 28th day my FBS has further dropped to 5.8mmol. On the 28th day, it was 4.3mmol.  By the last day of  tthe therapy, my FBS stood at 4.1mmol. Thank you so much. (Muyimbo, Kampala Uganda)
Note- These product can't be found in any store and it is far different from any other ones you might see elsewhere on the internet. THIS IS SUPERLIFE DIABETES KIT. The others you might have seen for a cheaper price might be the same but the quality isn’t the same. THIS PARTICULAR ONE IS FROM MALAYSIA. DO NOT COMPARE THIS WITH THE FAKE ONES OUT THERE. THIS PRODUCT IS DIRECTLY FROM THE COMPANY THAT PRODUCES IT. Some of these products are Fake and are being sold at cheaper price. Do yourself good today. Do not be deceived by cheaper price.

I believe you can see, these are regular people, just like me and you, who decided they wanted a diabetic free life, took the plunge, and rever sed their type 2 diabetes. There are so many testimonies I would have posted here but I won’t due to space.
Now, I know you can’t wait to lay your hands on this GUARANTEED solutions…
It’s Up to you. You can grab it today or risk never getting this amazing solution forever. Never leave this page without placing your order.​

It's time to stop poisoning yourself! 
It's time to kick Diabetes out of your life!

Finally, Here is the Well-Proven, Well-Research, Nature-Friendly Diabetes Therapy.


This is a new innovation in medicine, STC 30 is a plant-based stem cell therapy that is well ahead of its time. 

It is a plant based stem cell product produced by Mibelle Group in Malaysia and Switzerland and being marketed and distributed by Super Life World Company in Malaysia.

It draws inspiration from the stem cell therapy which is a new and developing branch in medicine that studies how new cells are formed with a view of improving health through cell regeneration and repair. 

Another amazing fact about this product is the fact that it is approved in any country of the world where you might find it such as FDA Approval in USA, NAFDAC in Nigeria, KEBS in Kenya, FDA in Ghana, in Uganda, in South Africa, in UAE etc.

Three Major Works Of Stem Cell Therapy In Human Body.

  •  Stem cell therapy repairs damage cell

  •  Stem cell therapy activates dormant cell

  •  Stem cell therapy regenerate dead cells and this will help the body heal itself naturally within 30 days


∆. Swiss Apple (uttwiler Spatlauber)

∆. Swiss (virus Vinifera)

∆. Glusodin (gliadin)

∆. Glisodin ( Cantaloupe extract)

∆. Blackcurrant juice powder

∆. Bilberry extract


This is because it contains many antioxidants, that fights free radicals in the body that are capable of damaging various organs in the body


Because of the ability of the product to stimulate the human body cells to regenerate itself and produce new cells. It can manage over 134 aging and non-aging related diseases. skin conditions, ulcers, diabetes sores, stroke, brain injuries, low sperm count, baldness, blindness and many more


By directing phytotec to differentiate into specialized cell types, there is the exciting possibility to provide a renewable source of replacement cells for those suffering from any eye defects. The potential to reverse disease is also very much achievable with it. 


 More Testimonies/Wonderful Results

Hear from the horses mouth, Below Are Amazing Testimonials Of People That This Product Has Helped Overcome Their Diabetes.

Suffer no more, Superlife STC 30 therapy is here to conquer sicknesses from minor to chronic condition.

STC 30 means Super Total Care in 30 days
We are proud to tell you that this newest natural discovery in the wellness industry has conquer over 137 known dangerous diseases like : 

Below  Is The Video Testimony Of A Woman Who Took This Product And Got Her Diabetes Disappea red Within Few Weeks

Another Wonderful Video Testimony Of This Product

Diabetes And Stroke Sore Gone Using STC30

Suffer no more, Superlife STC 30 therapy is here to conquer your diabetes.

STC 30 means Super Total Care in 30 days
We are proud to tell you that this newest natural discovery in the wellness industry has conquer diabetes.

Is This Approved And Legal To Use? Absolutely, Aside from the fact that this is approved by NAFDAC  itself, it also has other prestigious FDA,Kosher and Halal Seal which are the highest forms of approval in the world any product can have.

Have you ever taken time to think about how happy you will be if you finally get rid of your diabetes with all its symptoms you are currently experiencing in your body system? 

This is most effective and result oriented Natural Therapy treatment  

I want you to consider the value of what you are getting. It will save you lots of time, efforts and will finally put a smile on your face.

How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?


  Discounted Price:


Two Packs For One Month Treatment =N65,000

Four Packs For Two Months Treatment =N125,000

Please Note that we are on promo currently so that we can help more people solve their eye problem using this Amazing product. After 9 days the price of each pack goes back up.

Having Understood The Psychology of Online Buying & Selling In Africa, We  Discovered Over 85% Of Online Shoppers Are Comfortable With Payment On Delivery. Hence, You Will Only Pay For This Products When They Are Delivered To You.

Fill The Form Below To Place Your Order Now

Therefore, Get Your Own Pack Today For Your Optimum Body Function.

               GET A PACK FOR #27,500/$62

                           GET A PACK FOR #52,500/$117

               GET A PACK FOR #79,500/$177

              GET A PACK FOR #99,500/$222

You can't go wrong with this incredible Solution

I'm absolutely sure that our product will help you deal with any of your health challenge within a short period of time. 

Moreso, there is a 30-days money back guaran teed.

If for whatever reason(s) our product does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us a message within 30 days from your purchase!  Just give it a try!
