Natural Solution For Arthritis,Rheumatism And Joint Pains

Good News! You Can't Just Afford To Miss!

If you want to get rid of your Joint Pains, Arthritis and Rheumatism, just in a Natural and Safe way without any Side Effect within a short period of time then, this is the most important report you will ever read.

Joint Pain, Arthritis and Rheumatism

Formed in the body as a result of degenerative changes that generally develop in the second half of life and are a part of the aging process. But due to today's way of life and nutritional deficiency, the onset of these changes is being shifted towards younger age.

Arthritis includes many different types, but regardless of the type, Arthritis is a chronic illness and remains in the body for life. For many, it is an inevitable part of aging. Most people start suffering from some Arthritis symptoms around the age of 50

The degenerative changes usually start manifesting themselves through intermittent pain in the joints. This is followed by joint stiffness, swelling, inflammations, redness and permanent joint and muscle pain.

These are often followed by secondary symptoms, such as insomnia, chronic fatigue, crapping and depression. The changes in weather generally cause worsening of some of these symptoms.

The Effects Of Drugs On Arthritis

Medicinal Treatment of Arthritis is usually tailored to each patient, depending on his on his condition, with the patient usually becoming dependant on the Arthritis drugs for life.

The most commonly prescribed are Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs are medications which, in addition to having pain relieving (Analgestic) effects, have the effect of reducing inflammation when used over a period of time.

However, they also cause a multitude of adverse side effects, such as digestion problems, internal bleedings, fatigue, confusion and depression and toxicity of liver and kidneys. These adverse side effects are sometimes so severe that they outweigh the benefits.

VIOXX, the most popular Arthritis drug since 1999, was taken off the market after it has been proven that, in addition to the above-mentioned side effects, it also increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

What is known for sure is that none of these drugs cures Arthritis, and neither slows down its progression. This mean that none of these drugs treat the cause of the illness, only the symptoms

Therefore, Are You Suffering From Arthritis, Body And Back Pain And You Are Not Doing Anything About It?

If Yes, Then You Are Playing With Fire.
Although many people know that Arthritis is an inflammation that leads to "Radiating Pain" and "Swelling of All Joints". What many of them don't know is that there are various kinds of Arthritis and Joint Pains and when not taking care of, it can lead to deformity and untold sorrowful pains for a life time.

Studies Showed That Older People With Severe Arthritis Can be Cripple!

These Pains Radiate From Your Bone, Then Extends To Yours Muscles, Then Signal Are Sent To Your Nerves Which Resolved To Severe Pains. Therefore,
  • Are you suffering from Chronic Arthritis that seems to never go away?
  • Do You feel serious inflammatory pains all over your Back, Waist & Legs? Pains so seriously they practically hinder you from doing anything
  • Do you feel excruciating pains in all the Joint of your body; pains so serious you find it difficult to hold a common pen.
  • Are you sick and tired of using all sorts of pains killers?
  • Is your Arthritis, Body or Back Pain Affecting your sexual life so much

If your Answer Is Yes To Any Of The Above Questions, Then Right Here & Now Is Your Turning Point And You Really Need To Read This Report To The End.

This Simply Means
  • You will never have to complain about weak bone, again!
  • You will never have to complain about Arthritis (Osteo-Arthritis, Gout & Rheumatoid)
  • You will say bye-bye to pain killers
  • You will regain your precious good night sleep
  • You will live a healthy life without diseases, thus prolonging your life
Therefore, I'm Introducing You To A Naturally Made - Arthrithis And Joint Pains Remedy For Your Optimum Body And Bone Wellness.


This is a new innovation in medicine, STC 30 is a plant-based stem cell therapy that is well ahead of its time. 

It is a plant based stem cell product produced by Mibelle Group in Malaysia and Switzerland and being marketed and distributed by Super Life World Company in Malaysia.

It draws inspiration from the stem cell therapy which is a new and developing branch in medicine that studies how new cells are formed with a view of improving health through cell regeneration and repair. 

Another amazing fact about this product is the fact that it is approved in any country of the world where you might find it such as FDA Approval in USA, NAFDAC in Nigeria, KEBS in Kenya, FDA in Ghana, in Uganda, in South Africa, in UAE etc.

Three Major Works Of Stem Cell Therapy In Human Body.

  •  Stem cell therapy repairs damage cell

  •  Stem cell therapy activates dormant cell

  •  Stem cell therapy regenerate dead cells and this will help the body heal itself naturally within 30 days


∆. Swiss Apple (uttwiler Spatlauber)

∆. Swiss (virus Vinifera)

∆. Glusodin (gliadin)

∆. Glisodin ( Cantaloupe extract)

∆. Blackcurrant juice powder

∆. Bilberry extract


This is because it contains many antioxidants, that fights free radicals in the body that are capable of damaging various organs in the body


Because of the ability of the product to stimulate the human body cells to regenerate itself and produce new cells. It can manage over 134 aging and non-aging related diseases. skin conditions, ulcers, diabetes sores, stroke, brain injuries, low sperm count, baldness, blindness and many more


By directing phytotec to differentiate into specialized cell types, there is the exciting possibility to provide a renewable source of replacement cells for those suffering from any eye defects. The potential to reverse disease is also very much achievable with it. 

 More Testimonies/Wonderful Results

Hear from the horses mouth, Below Are Amazing Testimonials Of People That This Product Has Helped Overcome Their Prostate Problem.

Mrs Kate Okoro Cataract, Arthritis, Pile And High Blood Pressure Disappeared.

Stroke Patient Talk And Walk Again After Few W
